Gundam and Dinosours (Part 1)

Yay! My first diary post ^^
Last Monday on 3rd February,my family and I went for a 'window shopping' at AEON Kinta City...Usually shopping is not my hobby,but trying for a new hobby is my hobby...^^
We went into the 'POPULAR' bookstore..As usually I went there to search some discounts for pc hardware and graphic novels (a.k.a comics and mangas).But then I found this! 3D-puzzle!
I never tried for a 3D-puzzle as a hobby....But there's some sales on Gundam 3D-puzzle and others.
I'd really wanted a Gundam but Gundam are so expensive!I've checked!It was between RM50 until RM250 ><.....Not gonna burn money just for that!
Back to the sales.Well the 3D-puzzle Gundam was actually costed RM 12,but the promotions gave me RM6 to buy this...Am I lucky or not :3.... YUP! XD
At the same time,there's also animals and dinosaurs 3D-puzzles.Heaven for my brother for this time...
My brother.Adam, loves dinosaurs.He buys dinosaurs books and watches dinosaurs movies..
The 3D puzzles of the dinosaurs and animals was both RM0.90.So,it had became a Must-Buy.The difference of the animal 3D puzzle and Dino 3D puzzle was: The animals wasin thelevel one but contains more than one animals in a pack while the dino was in level 2 but contain only one figurine in a pack.
But who cares I'd bought the dinosaurs for my brother and a gundam for me(fyi. the gundam 3D puzzle was in level 4)

We started the first puzzle on 2nd February

Part 1;Adam and the dinosaurs

He made this and he seems to be happy about it
But, actually he makes so much errors that I have re-assemble it back -_-

Acually the dino neck was broken by my brother
(Punca Adam)



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