Taking a personality test to understand myself

I just took a personality test and here the result:
ISFP (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perception)

Individuals with ISFP personalities tend to have the following characteristics:
  • A strong awareness of their environment
  • Prefers concrete, practical information
  • Dislikes abstract, theoretical information
  • Reserved and quiet
  • Enjoys hands-on learning
  • Strong need for personal space
  • Loyal to values and beliefs
  • Dislikes arguments and conflict

Famous ISFPs

Some researchers have suggested that a number of famous individuals display characteristics of the ISFP personality type. Some of these well-known figures include:
  • Fred Astaire, dancer
  • Marilyn Monroe, actress
  • Marie Antoinette,
  • Elizabeth Taylor, actress
  • Barbara Streisand, singer
  • Paul McCartney, musician
  • Auguste Rodin, sculptor
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer
Some fictional characters that match the profile of the ISFP personality include:
  • Bella Swan, Twilight
  • Harry PotterHarry Potter
  • Lana Lang, Smallville
  • Tess, Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Best Career Choices for ISFPs

Because ISFPs prefer to focus on the present, they often do well in careers that are concerned with practical, real-world problems. Jobs that offer a great deal of personal freedom and autonomy are especially appealing to ISFPs. Some careers that are ideally suited to this personality type include:
  • Artist
  • Composer or musician
  • Chef
  • Designer
  • Forest ranger
  • Nurse
  • Naturalist
  • Pediatrician
  • Psychologist
  • Social worker
  • Teacher
  • Veterinarian


ISFP Strengths

  • Charming – People with the ISFP personality type are relaxed and warm, and their “live and let live” attitude naturally makes them likable and popular.
  • Sensitive to Others – ISFPs easily relate to others' emotions, helping them to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict.
  • Imaginative – Being so aware of others' emotions, ISFP personalities use creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people's hearts. While it's hard to explain this quality on a resume, this vivid imagination and exploratory spirit help ISFPs in unexpected ways.
  • Passionate – Beneath ISFPs' quiet shyness beats an intensely feeling heart. When people with this personality type are caught up in something exciting and interesting, they can leave everything else in the dust.
  • Curious – Ideas are well and good, but ISFPs need to see and explore for themselves whether their ideas ring true. Work revolving around the sciences may seem a poor match for their traits, but a boldly artistic and humanistic vision is often exactly what research needs to move forward – if ISFPs are given the freedom they need to do so.
  • Artistic – ISFPs are able to show their creativity in tangible ways and with stunning beauty. Whether writing a song, painting an emotion, or presenting a statistic in a graph, ISFPs have a way of visualizing things that resonates with their audience.

ISFP Weaknesses

  • Fiercely Independent – Freedom of expression is often ISFPs' top priority. Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for ISFP personalities. This can make more rigidly structured academics and work a challenge.
  • Unpredictable – ISFPs' dislike long-term commitments and plans. The tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause strain in ISFPs' romantic relationships and financial hardship later in life.
  • Easily Stressed – ISFPs live in the present, full of emotion. When situations get out of control, people with this personality type (especially Turbulent ones) can shut down, losing their characteristic charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth.
  • Overly Competitive – ISFPs can escalate small things into intense competitions, turning down long-term success in their search for glory in the moment, and are unhappy when they lose.
  • Fluctuating Self-Esteem – It's demanded that skills be quantified, but that's hard to do with ISFPs' strengths of sensitivity and artistry. ISFPs' efforts are often dismissed, a hurtful and damaging blow, especially early in life. ISFPs can start to believe the naysayers without strong support.

Happy to Be Who They Are

ISFPs live in a colorful, sensual world, inspired by connections with people and ideas. ISFP personalities take joy in reinterpreting these connections, reinventing and experimenting with both themselves and new perspectives. No other type explores and experiments in this way more. This creates a sense of spontaneity, making ISFPs seem unpredictable, even to their close friends and loved ones


ISFPs are quite mysterious and difficult to get to know. While very emotional individuals, they guard this sensitive core carefully, preferring to listen than to express. People with the ISFP personality type focus instead on their partners, with little interest in dictating the mood of a situation with their own feelings. While this can sometimes be frustrating, if they are accepted for who they are, ISFPs prove to be warm, enthusiastic partners.
Things are unlikely to ever grow stale – even the longest-term partners can be surprised by the secrets ISFPs keep.

Knowing You Are Loved, You Can Do Anything

Love From the Soul


In friendship, ISFPs are some of the most comfortable people around. Laid back and spontaneous, people with the ISFP personality type won't bog things down with arguments or structured long-term plans. The here-and-now is what's important to ISFPs, and they love spending time with their friends doing casual, fun activities.

I Don't Want to Talk, I Want to Play!

SFPs' relaxed, non-judgmental attitudes make it easy for them to get along with others, but it's not always the same way around.


SFP personalities' natural warmth, practicality and relaxed nature help them to settle in and appreciate every moment of joy and hardship that comes with raising a child.

Children Show the Divine in Everyone

Never Stop Loving


Don't Work at Being Ordinary

Life's too Short for Us to Bore Ourselves


Spontaneous, charming, and genuinely fun people to be around, ISFPs just want a chance to express those natural qualities, and to know that their efforts are appreciated.


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